Recent Videos
Honor is the one concept I see most people struggle with when conditionally accepting an offer. Since most commercial offers use language to provoke dishonor, this isn’t surprising. However, if you truly want to master conditional acceptance, and obtain a remedy, you’ll need to master staying in honor and always acting honorably.
Have you been denied access to a credit card? Did you know that there’s no lawful basis for credit scores? You already have enough credits in the cestui que trust to cover any typical revolving credit limit. In this video, I explain the lawful basis for asserting your right to a credit card. You’ll learn how to respond to an offer to deny you access to the credits in the trust.
Receiving a court summons or a lawsuit as the “defendant” can be nerve-wracking. And that’s not surprising, given how the language of such documents is designed to intimidate you and put you on the defensive. Would you be surprised to learn that such deadlines don’t apply to you? Watch to find out why, and what to do about it…
Conditional Acceptance Letters are common-law contracts between you and CEOs, judges, attorneys, police officers, and “government officials.” They can be enforced without ever appearing in court.
The Path to Freedom Begins with the First Step
“Conditional Acceptance?!” – What’s All The Fuss?
Slavery was never abolished – it simply morphed into “debt slavery” a form of servitude based on the belief in and obedience to authority and “law.”
The truth is:
- You are not indebted to any financial institution
- Any contract lacking consideration or full disclosure of terms is invalid
- You can obtain a remedy without going to court.
Of course, as you know, freedom is not free.
The price we pay is the sacrifice of any ignorance, apathy, or laziness we might be holding onto.
Are you ready to claim the freedom that is your birthright?
A Proven Process
Conditional acceptance is a time-proven process based on common law. And it’s relatively easy to learn.
Mental Self-Defense
Conditional acceptance is a mental martial art – an honorable way to protect and defend your mind from harm.
A Long Game
You should expect at least 3-6 months to see significant results the first time you put it into practice.
About This Project
In 2021, I created as a media platform dedicated principally to teaching important knowledge about natural law and the occult sciences.
This was my answer to the rise of an increasingly psychotic and psychopathic society (as well as my internal chaos and trauma in correspondence.)
Nonetheless, I continued to be dissatisfied with the immoral financial struggles we all face as human beings in such a society.
It was hard enough for me to pay for room and board, much less invest in my worthwhile projects.
As a new business venture of mine was gaining momentum, I was serendipitously introduced to common law, trust law, and conditional acceptance through my constant research.
I had found an answer:
mental self-defense through high-word magic.
That’s all written law is: a form of magic (or sorcery, when used for evil) that can transform reality and manifest into reality based on our desires.
Written law can only work when it leverages natural law.
This new project is my gift to you, because being free also means not having to worry about how to “pay the bills,” much less deal with the inevitable unexpected demands of life.
Please always and only use this knowledge for the highest good of all!
David Greenberg, Founder
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