A growing community - ConditionalAcceptance.com
A growing community - ConditionalAcceptance.com
A Growing Community

We are a growing community of sovereign men and women, and their families, who are dedicated to mastering the life skill of conditional acceptance.  While this is not the only skill required to exercise and defend our rights, we deem it to be an essential weapon in this spiritual battle we are engaged in for the freedom of humanity.

Survey (Questionnaire) for Community Members

Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey and questionnaire for community members.  Your answers will help me improve the quality of the educational materials and services offered through this platform.

Anonymous Survey for Community Members - ConditionalAcceptance.com

Become a Community Moderator 

Enjoy the privileges of membership in exchange for a few hours of work per week
  • Help moderate discussion and conversation across our communities on Telegram and Discord
  • Compile a list of priority topics for further research and study
  • Ensure that everyone’s questions are answered
  • Help guide people to find information and point them in the right direction
  • Keep our community free of spam, fraud and disruptive behavior

I’m Interested!

Community Rules & Best Practices

By participating in our community as a member of the above forums, you agree to abide by our community rules and guidelines.
The Four “Golden Rules:”
  1. Be supportive. Encourage and support your fellow community members.  Refrain from sharing criticism, cynicism, or judgment.
  2. Share generously. Your stories and experiences may be exactly what others need to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity.
  3. Be constructive. We’re here to push each other forward and lift each other up. Find ways to help each other think bigger, reframe challenges, and stay curious.
  4. Don’t spam, promote, or troll.  This community exists to help you learn and grow together. It’s not a place to spam, promote, or bully anyone else.

General Community Rules and Guidelines:

  1. The “Community” refers to the aggregate of all online interactions (messages, posts, etc) between you and others in the above-
  2. referenced Telegram Group, Discord Server, or any other online account created and maintained by us.
  3. The Community is private and is not a public forum.
  4. Participation in the Community is by invitation.  You are considered invited if you have accessed one of the invitation links to join.
  5. The specific purpose of this community is to provide a forum where we help each other be more successful in our administrative processes related to conditional acceptance contracts, and enforcement therein. 
  6. In general, sharing knowledge and ideas supporting the principal mission of this platform is encouraged.
  7. You are welcome and encouraged to share knowledge and resources from other educators and mentors, especially when you have benefitted from the knowledge or processes they teach.
  8. When in doubt about what is acceptable to share, use common sense, and always act honorably and in good faith and intending to serve truth and benefit the entire community.
  9. Sharing direct video links to private content from the membership courses (i.e. Thinkific) with non-members is prohibited.  You may be permanently banned from the community for sharing such links.
  10. Our Community Moderators may delete posts or replies when they feel that such posts are of low value (see below) and may distract community members from finding or sharing valuable knowledge.  Just because your post was deleted doesn’t necessarily mean you will be banned or restricted from posting.
  11. A “High-value Post” is a post that is thoughtful, well-written, and shares valuable knowledge concisely or insightfully, or asks well-crafted questions backed by research and study. 
  12. A “Low-value Post” is a post that is poorly written, unclear, repetitive, or asks questions easily answered through self-study.
  13. You are encouraged to create High-value Posts and avoid sharing Low-value posts as much as possible.
  14. While not strictly prohibited, making posts that ask very basic questions (that can be easily answered through further study) is not recommended, for several reasons.  First, it tends to clog up the discussion with repetitive, irrelevant or low-value content.  Secondly, you are unlikely to gain much engagement with more advanced students.  Instead of making such posts, you are first encouraged to study further using available resources.
  15. Please post questions or share knowledge in the appropriate Topic (Telegram) or Channel (Discord.)  Posting content in an unrelated channel or topic tends to cause confusion and make it more difficult for other community members to find answers or share knowledge.
  16. If you want to publicize your products or services, or promote products and services offered by another company or organization, please make sure you obtain approval prior to doing so.  Otherwise, you will be restricted or banned.  You can request approval by sending a message.
  17. Any hate speech, cyber-bullying, harassment, intimidation, cyber-stalking, threats, deception, false claims, providing misleading information, misrepresentation, or any similar type of communication by a member of the community will result in the immediate and permanent ban of that member.
  18. Any unsolicited request for funds (currency) sent from one member to another by private communication is strictly prohibited and is grounds for an immediate ban from the group.
  19. “Spam” is defined herein as (1) repeatedly posting the same message to multiple groups or topics; (2) posting links that attempt to collect personal/private information from members; (3) repeatedly posting messages that are not relevant to the topics of discussion.
  20. Posting spam messages is grounds for an immediate and permanent ban from the community.  In this case, if the spammer is also a member, their membership will be canceled and a refund of their most recent payment will be issued.
  21. Only approved partners may promote a product or service in the forum; a moderator may remove any other promotion of specific products and services.  Unless you repeatedly violate this rule, this will not necessarily get you banned.
  22. Discussion about politics, including political ideas, ideology, political thought, current events, etc, while not strictly prohibited, is generally discouraged.  There are two reasons for this.  First, most community members know that no solutions to human freedom lie in the political realm, which is in the realm of effects, and not causal.   We also recognize that most modern politics is just a form of distraction from the truth about natural law.  Secondly, proponents of political ideology tend to push their ideas as though they were truth, and even engage in forms of cyber-bullying to promote their agendas.  Having said that, occasional references to current events and politics are okay in context and moderation.
  23. The same holds for discussions about religion or religious thought.
  24. Any posts or discussion that can easily be interpreted as engineering or promoting fear, conflict, or divisiveness among community members is prohibited and grounds an immediate and permanent ban from the community.  This includes, but may not be limited to, “divide and conquer,” gaslighting, “fear porn,” “fear-mongering,” etc.  While we all recognize that we have adversaries committed to opposing our efforts, these communications have no place in this community.  Nonetheless, referring to the strategies used by the opposition is acceptable when discussing our strategy in context.
  25. Discussion about other topics not directly relevant to the Topics we discussed isn’t strictly prohibited but is discouraged.  Such posts distract from the focus and consume time.  If you post such content, a Community Moderator may reach out to ask you to refrain from posting such content.  If you continually disrespect this rule, then you may be permanently banned from the community.
  26. Discussion about any other topic not mentioned here, is welcome and not prohibited, so long as such discussion doesn’t violate any of the other community rules.
  27. If you would like to become a moderator of this community, please send a message through the website, or contact a moderator or group administrator via private message.  Similar to acting as a trustee, being a moderator is a duty requiring honor and good faith and is an important pillar of the community.